

Friday, February 15, 2008

Keselamatan tulang punggung

Banyak orang tidak memperhatikan keselamatan punggungnya, beberapa menganggap sakit punggung belakang itu sekedar risiko pekerjaan,sakit biasa, dikerokin aja sembuh.........weh tunggu dulu dibalik itu sebenarnya banyak efek buruk dari cara mengangkat yang tidak aman.

Risiko tersebut dapat dihindari, atau paling tidak di minimisasi supaya tidak berlarut dan berakibat buruk di masa yang akan datang.

Berikut adalah slide training yang biasa saya bawakan di tempat kerja saya silahkan DOWNLOAD
Semoga berkenan, saya dapat slide ini dari salah seorang rekan, terima kasih.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Safety, Untuk siapa?

Saya bertanya sendiri.......
Safety itu untuk siapa sih? apakah sebatas peraturan? standard system? kultur? atau hanya sebatas jargon-jargon iklan obat batuk?

Beberapa komentar paling sering tentang safety dan lingkungan;

- kalo gak ada aturannya gak usah dipaksain....
- Gak ada yang liat....buang aje diselokan limbahnya...
- Udahlah lo kerja buat pabrik atau buat pemerintah sih??
- Gak usah terlalu idealis lah...pelanggaran kecil mah nggak apa-apa..
- Gak kok gak ada kecelakaan...(padahal kepalanya di perban)
- Udah dik, yang penting kagak ada yang benjol, gak usah bikin laporan lah....
- Woi woi....ada orang safety tuh, buruan pake helm...pake sarung tangan.....kacamata jangan lupa...

Waduh ternyata komentar-komentar kayak gini sering sekali di terima sama teman-teman saya, yang (mungkin) kultur safety di perusahaannya belum sebaik teman-teman yang tidak pernah dikomentari seperti itu...
Safety (kadang) cuma jadi nama...lambang-lambang....slogan-slogan....sebatas retorika saja....sedih kalo memang demikian adanya.

Mungkin penyebabnya karena komunikasi yang kurang mengena, atau cara sosialisasi yang terkesan arogan, tidak punya kekuatan secara instansi, atau malah (yang paling buruk) sebenarnya tidak ada komitmen yang total top management terhadap safety...

Jeleknya bencana dan kecelakaan kadang menjadi barometer pelaksanaan K3...
hey bukankah kita ada untuk mencegah??kita ada untuk memprediksi??kita ada untuk mempersiapkan kemungkinan terburuk yang bisa terjadi....kalo nunggu kecelakaan dulu baru beraksi...reaktif adalah jawaban yang salah untuk membawa kultur safety di tempat kerja....ujung-ujungnya kita bisa di panggil "polisi India" datang kalo ada kecelakaan, kalo gak ada apa-apa gak pernah keliatan.....jelek betul kedengaranya

Maka tantangan itu di serahkan kepada kita, seberapa mampu kita membuat safety menjadi kultur dasar pada setiap area kerja? seberapa daya kita membuat safety menjadi hidup dan bernafas di diri tiap pekerja...

Sampai hari ini saya masih di panggil "Polisi Pakistan" hehehe..

Salam Selamat

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Root Cause Analysis

Root cause analysis (RCA) is a class of problem solving methods aimed at identifying the root causes of problems or events. The practice of RCA is predicated on the belief that problems are best solved by attempting to correct or eliminate root causes, as opposed to merely addressing the immediately obvious symptoms. By directing corrective measures at root causes, it is hoped that the likelihood of problem recurrence will be minimized. However, it is recognized that complete prevention of recurrence by a single intervention is not always possible. Thus, RCA is often considered to be an iterative process, and is frequently viewed as a tool of continuous improvement.

Root cause analysis is not a single, sharply defined methodology; there are many different tools, processes, and philosophies of RCA in existence. However, most of these can be classed into five, very-broadly defined "schools" that are named here by their basic fields of origin: safety-based, production-based, process-based, failure-based, and systems-based.

Despite the seeming disparity in purpose and definition among the various schools of root cause analysis, there are some general principles that could be considered as universal. Similarly, it is possible to define a general process for performing RCA.

General principles of root cause analysis

  1. Aiming corrective measures at root causes is more effective than merely treating the symptoms of a problem.
  2. To be effective, RCA must be performed systematically, and conclusions must be backed up by evidence.
  3. There is usually more than one root cause for any given problem.

General process for performing and documenting an RCA-based Corrective Action

Notice that RCA (in steps 3, 4 and 5) forms the most critical part of successful corrective action, because it directs the corrective action at the root of the problem.

  1. Define the problem.
  2. Gather data/evidence.
  3. Identify issues that contributed to the problem.
  4. Find root causes.
  5. Develop solution recommendations.
  6. Implement the recommendations.
  7. Observe the recommended solutions to ensure effectiveness.

[edit] Root cause analysis techniques

  • 5 Whys
  • Failure mode and effects analysis
  • Pareto analysis
  • Fault tree analysis
  • Bayesian inference
  • Ishikawa diagram, also known as the fishbone diagram or cause and effect diagram
  • Barrier analysis - a technique often used in particularly in process industries. It is based on tracing energy flows, with a focus on barriers to those flows, to identify how and why the barriers did not prevent the energy flows from causing harm.
  • Change analysis - an investigation technique often used for problems or accidents. It is based on comparing a situation that does not exhibit the problem to one that does, in order to identify the changes or differences that might explain why the problem occurred.
  • Causal factor tree analysis - a technique based on displaying causal factors in a tree-structure such that cause-effect dependencies are clearly identified.

Basic Elements of Root Cause

  • Materials
    • Defective Raw Material
    • Wrong type for job
    • Lack of raw material
  • Machine/Equipment
    • Incorrect tool selection
    • Poor maintenance or design
    • Poor equipment or tool placement
    • Defective Equipment or tool
  • Environment
    • Orderly workplace
    • Job design or layout of work
    • Surfaces poorly maintained
    • Physical demands of the task
    • Forces of Nature
  • Management
    • No or poor management involvement
    • Inattention to task
    • Task hazards not guarded properly
    • Other (horseplay, inattention....)
    • Stress demands
  • Methods
    • No or poor procedures
    • Practices are not the same as written procedures
    • Poor communication
  • Management System
    • Training or education lacking
    • Poor employee involvement
    • Poor recognition of hazard
    • Previously identified hazards were not eliminated

Here Some Scheme matrix of RCA Download it HERE

Friday, February 8, 2008

Astra Green Company Implementation Programs

Since 1999, Astra has published an Annual Report for EHS, which is named the Astra Green Company
Annual Report. This report describes in detail how EHS has developed, including direct benefits affecting
its bottom line. The implementation of Astra Green Company continues in various Astra business units,
such as: automotive, heavy equipment, plantations, mining, sales operations, and others(see Table 1).
A number of eco-efficiency and health & safety programs have been initiated in affiliated companies,
producing a number of benefits, both tangible and intangible. The tangible results are important for
management to quantify the benefits of EHS implementation.
For example, at P.T. Komatsu Indonesia, sand re-use methods in the shell molding process have achieved a
cost reduction of Rp. 331.7 million annually. This system recycles 90% of the sand and increases moulding
capacity from 5 tons to 10 tons per hour.
At P.T. Gaya Motor, recycling of wastewater has reduced water consumption up to 50%, using water
effluent from wastewater to nourish plants and other non-production water usageIn P.T.
Showa Indonesia Manufacturing, a recycling center recovers significant amounts of waste from product
manufacture, such as cotton gloves and metal, contributing Rp. 1.4 billion annually. This eco-efficiency
movement is not only in the manufacturing businesses. At P.T. Astra Agro Lestari, a major palm oil
plantation division, pesticide use has been reduced by replacement with bio-predators (owls are used to
capture rats). This bio-predator scheme has saved Rp. 1.3 billion annually in one site only.
Other technology and management applications in eco-efficiency are; the utilization of solvent tanks in
vehicle sales operation branches yielding up to Rp. 450,000 per month, the utilization of ash from
incinerators (hazardous waste) for brick material thus reducing disposal material to landfill(P.T. Pantja
Motor), and the application of re-usable coolants for machinery(P.T. Denso Indonesia). Other applications
of EHS practices enforce key EHS principles: Refine, Reduce, Re-use, Recycle, Recover and Retrieveto-
Energy. Implementation is regularly monitored and motivated through training programs (EHS Officer
Development and Eco-Efficiency Training Programs). Evaluation for training participants includes
practical projects presented by participants within three months of in-class training. There are currently 351
Environment Officers, 90 Safety Officers and 112 Health Officers in Astra as a result of intensive training
programs during the past three years.

I like to share about this Great system, please download at HERE

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Let's talk about safety

I hope that this blog can give any information about occupational health and safety, it's a global issue, but it is still hard to find any safety and health site related.

Let's talk about OH&S (K3 - in Indonesia), let's share and help each other to understand and build a new safety and health point of view.